New Student Enrollment Process
Please review all two required steps below for new student enrollment.
Step 1: Complete Online Registration
Step 2: Prepare Required Documentation
Our New Student online enrollment form will be open on March 15th, 2025.
- Enrolling your student for the NEXT 2025-2026 school year
- (August 27, 2025 – June 16, 2026)
If you do not select the appropriate year, you will be required to complete the form again for the appropriate year.
To be eligible for Pre-School , students must have been born between October 1, 2021 and September 30, 2022. Preschool Children attending TLC at Sandown Central who are 3 years of age by September 30, 2025. Sessions offered AM or PM 5 days a week.
To be eligible for Pre-Kindergarten, students must have been born between October 1, 2020 and September 30, 2021. Pre-K Children are 4 years of age by September 30, 2025. Sessions offered AM or PM 5 days a week.
To be eligible for Kindergarten, students must have been born between October 1, 2019 and September 30, 2020. Kindergarten Children are 5 years of age by September 30, 2025. Offered Full or Half Days (AM Only), Monday through Friday at Atkinson Academy, Danville School, Pollard School, or TLC at Sandown Central.
Compulsory Education Requirement: Per RSA 193:1, any child born before October 1, 2018 shall attend full time. Grade 1 Children are 6 years of age by September 30, 2025.
You will be required to use a PowerSchool Enrollment account.
Parents of current students: The PowerSchool Enrollment account is only for registering newly enrolling students. This is different than your PowerSchool Parent Portal account, where you view your current student’s attendance, grades, etc.
If you do not already have an account, please select “Create Account.” If you already have an account, please sign in with your registered email address and password. If you forgot your password, there is a “Forgot Password” link you can select on the sign-in page.
Once your account has been created, enter the required information for your new student. If you have overlooked a required field, a red “required” box will appear next to the field when you attempt to submit the form. Find the missing fields and continue to Review and Submit, until you reach the “Thank you for Submitting Your New Student Registration” page, which details the below steps 2 and 3.
If you have questions about online registration, please contact your enrolling school’s front office.
- Original birth certificate with raised seal
- Proof of residency must be verified by providing any TWO (2) of the following:
- Property Tax Statement
- Renter’s Agreement
- Lease Agreement
- Mortgage Statement dated within sixty (60) days
- Homeowner’s/Renter’s Insurance Policy
- Purchase and Sales Agreement, must be valid and not expired
- Utility bill or delivery of service bill of gas (natural or propane), electric,
oil, water/sewer, cable/Dish Service or telephone showing the
legal/physical address; must be dated within sixty (60) days - Driver’s License
- Rent Receipt including verification of Landlord’s address and phone
number - Voter Registration
- Social Services Papers: Social Security, ADFC, Homeless Shelter
- Immunization records with updated vaccinations
- Physical exam dated September 3, 2024 or later. A recent physical exam will be accepted if an upcoming exam has been scheduled and will take place prior to September 3, 2025.
- Legal Guardianship documentation, if applicable
- Release of Records form, if applicable
- Preschool is $2,200 for the school year.
- Pre-Kindergarten is $2,200 for the school year.
- Half day Kindergarten is district funded and has no tuition.
- Full day Kindergarten is $4,500 for the school year.
A deposit of $220 for Preschool or Prekindergarten and $450 for full day Kindergarten is due by April 30th, 2025.
- If a family chooses to pay the tuition in full the remaining balance is due July 1st, 2025.
- Families who wish to pay tuition on a payment plan will follow this schedule of payments due: April 30th (deposit mentioned above), July 1st, August 1st, September 1st, October 1st, November 1st, December 1st, January 1st, February 1st, March 1st.
If you wish to apply for financial aid for the costs of early childhood education please download and complete this form. After completing please email to the Director of Students Services, Ginger Drechsel at Email
Preschool Pre-K Full day K Financial Aid Form
School Registrar Contact Information
Atkinson Academy: Stacey Collins, 603-362-5521
Danville Elementary: Patti Berube, 603-382-5554
Pollard Elementary: Fran Allen, 603-382-7146
TLC at Sandown Central: Heather Sweet, 603-887-3648
Sandown North Elementary: Erin Hallisey , 603-887-8505
Timberlane Regional Middle School: Diane Harrington, 603-382-7131
Timberlane Regional High School: Robin Ahern, 603-382-6541