TLC at Sandown Central (PRESCHOOL & KINDERGARTEN) Transportation Guidelines

At parent’s request, transportation will be provided to kindergarten students living in Sandown. Parent must notify school or Transportation Coordinator that they would like this service. Parent should also indicate if their student will be pick/drop from home address or daycare. Three (3) large First Student school buses will be routed to service students living in Sandown.

There will no longer be a “shuttle service” from Sandown North in the morning. All kindergarten students living in Sandown will be on TLC buses.

Every effort will be made to provide a bus stop for Sandown kindergarten students as close to their home as possible without compromising time. Bus routes must remain efficient and short as possible. If a student cannot be included on a bus route parents will be required to transport them to the closest bus stop or directly to school.

There will be no midday service provided by regular First Student buses for any students. The service will run on early release days at 1:15 PM for those full day kindergarten students who normally take the regular buses home in the afternoon. Parents must notify the school or Transportation Coordinator in advance if you plan on using the bus service on early release days.

PK (Preschool) students may ride the AM bus to school or the PM bus from school if their stop is along the established routes for kindergarten students. No midday service is provided. On early release days, all PK students get released at 11:00 AM. Students riding mini-buses will be picked up at 11:00 AM. Parent must provide transportation for all others at 11:00 AM. There is no PM session and no Full Day session for PK on an early release day.

Bus routes for First Student buses will be established during the summer and available by mid-August. Parents may use the Edulog Transportation Web Query on the District web site to find bus information for Sandown Central TLC. If you need help or have questions or changes please contact Transportation Coordinator. E-mail is always the quickest way to receive an answer.

Sandra Hodgkins, Transportation Coordinator
603-382-6119 Ext 2229

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Starts: 5:00 pm
Location: 30 Greenough Rd, Plaistow, NH 03865, USA
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Location: 30 Greenough Rd, Plaistow, NH 03865, USA
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Starts: 5:00 pm
Location: 30 Greenough Rd, Plaistow, NH 03865, USA