Category: Ski Team
March 4, 2020
March 4, 2020
Reminder Athletes must have up-to-date physicals on file with the school nurse. Any athlete interested in playing a contact sport must also have an up to date ImPACT test.
Girls Tennis:
- 3/23 2:45pm RM 210
- 3/24-3/30 2:45-4:00pm TRHS Tennis Court
Boys/Girls Outdoor Track: Practice starts Tuesday, 3/24, meet in Cafe @ 2:45
- March 23-27 4:30-6:30pm TRHS Gym (Varsity and JV)
- March 30 2:30 pm TRHS Gym (Freshman only)
- March 23-27 2:30-4:30pm TRHS Gym
Boys Volleyball: Tryouts / Practice, YMCA Plaistow
- 3/30-4/3 3:30-6pm Plaistow YMCA
Girls Lacrosse:
- Monday 3/23 5-7pm Phanzone
- Tuesday 3/24 3-5pm SAU Lot
- Wed. 3/25 3-5pm Phanzone
- Thurs. 3/26 3-5pm SAU Lot
- Friday 3/27 3-5pm Phanzone
Boys Lacrosse:
- March 23 3-5pm Phanzone
- March 24 3-5pm Phanzone
- March 25 3-5pm Seacoast Epping: outdoors turf
- March 26 3-5pm Phanzone
- March 27 5:30p TRHS: Fundraiser Night
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