Dr. Metzler’s Message January 2013

January 23, 2013

Happy New Year Timberlane!

At the January 17th School Board meeting I presented my entry plan with the Board and members of the community. Over the past five months I have had the opportunity to learn an awful lot, listen to stakeholders and get a real sense of what is near and dear to their hearts, share many of my personal and professional experiences, and begin to build on the rich traditions in the Timberlane District and Plan for the future.

The Timberlane Regional School District Action Plan addresses four key areas to work on. Climate and Communication, Response to Instruction, Assessment and Data and Facilities and Grounds were selected as the focus for the plan.

Communication is essential in any successful organization. This is not a new challenge. Communication is dynamic, and we need to be well-prepared to make sure that we communicate clearly internally and externally with all of our stakeholders. Student voice is an area that we will be focusing on. The opportunity for all stakeholders to provide feedback is non-negotiable. That feedback is a major driver in our continued improvement. Our learning climate will continue to thrive as we work on communication.

How students respond to instruction is also a major driver in our learning climate. Students’ response is the valuable feedback instructors need to help improve instruction. It is much more complicated than I teach and you learn. It is the partnership between teacher and student that provides the powerful learning that we all hope for.

Assessment and Data is also powerful feedback. Having a clear understanding that qualitative data does not always show up in quantitative data, or likewise for that matter, will help data driven instruction shape our course. You have heard me say it before, not all kids are born smart, but all kids can get smart. Understanding the data and how we can use it to improve both teaching and learning is a life time goal.

Finally, we will continue to make sure that our facilities and grounds exemplify what a respectful learning environment should look like. Working smart with the resources that we do have will ensure that all students have a memorable and rewarding experience in the Timberlane Regional School District.

Later this spring we will be sharing our School and Program Action Plans. They will demonstrate the delicate balance between system and site needs. Timberlane has exceptional leaders in every building. I know you will be impressed with their work.

Once again, thank you for your continued support. Please feel free to contact me office at 603-382-6119 or email at Email with your questions, comments or concerns. Thank you.

Respectfully, Dr. Earl Metzler

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