Open Letter to 7th and 8th Grade Parents

January 5, 2016

Dear Timberlane 7th and 8th Grade Parents,

It is an exciting time at the Timberlane Regional Middle School where students are returning to school refreshed from the holiday break and ready to begin their second half of the school year.  It’s also a time when parents start to think about preparing their child’s transition to high school especially if you’re a parent considering an alternative high school to Timberlane.

In the event you are considering alternative high school options, I would like to request that you share with me the reasons or drivers which have brought you to this decision as it is essential we understand where parents feel our high school falls short.  This will also allow us an opportunity to identify and address those areas and meet the educational needs of our district families.

In the meantime, I’d like to take this opportunity to share how excited I am about the future of the Timberlane Regional High School and the initiatives now in place as well as the ones in the pipeline.  Freshman Academy is in full swing and the School Board has just authorized improvements to the Academic Deans’ leadership team.  These improvements to the Deans’ leadership team will assist the team in providing better support to the instructional staff and increase the rigor and accountability in each classroom.   The Program of Study offerings at the high school are also impressive as they continue to raise the bar.  These, coupled with our excellent athletic and arts opportunities, are important components in our determination to lead the learning in southern New Hampshire.

I am very interested in hearing your thoughts about our high school program and why you might be considering an alternative high school.  I offer a couple of options in which to share this information with me. You may email me directly at  earl.metzler @ , or call my office at 382-6119 ext. 2217 to schedule an appointment.

I appreciate any and all input from the primary stakeholders of our school district – our parents.  Thank you in advance for your continued support.

Dr. Earl Metzler
Superintendent of Schools

January 5, 2015

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