Sandown Playfield and Outside Classroom Site Advisory Committee Makes Recommendation
Members of the committee held a public forum on May 17th at Sandown North Elementary School to solicit public input on potential options for playfield and playground expansions areas. The committee presented several possibilities, rationale and estimated costs for each.
Co-chairs Kelly Ward (School Board Vice Chair and Sandown Resident) and George Stokinger (Business Administrator) are pleased to report the committee supports and recommends to the Superintendent creating a playfield located off the southwest parking lot (phase 1), expanding the playground towards the access road (phase 2), developing a level and recycled asphalt path along the roadway (phase 3), and applying recycled asphalt along the access road (phase 4).
Dr. Metzler commends the work of this committee and looks forward to incorporating their recommendations into the summer project schedule. These projects align with the ongoing plan to increase the rigor, accountability, evaluation and support necessary to improve student achievement. Funding for these projects is included in the 2016-17 school district budget.
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