School Board Endorses Transition to Block Scheduling 6-12

October 27, 2016

The Timberlane Regional School District is pleased to announce that the School Board has endorsed block schedule instructional models for the Middle School, High School, and Performing Arts Center, beginning in the 2017-18 school year.

Block schedules will increase instructional time, improve personalization, strengthen relationships between staff and students, and support positive school climates.

Staff will have greater opportunities to increase rigor within courses, allowing students to increase depth of knowledge, mastery of content and the acquisition of skills.  Extended learning blocks will allow for more performance based assessments, project based learning, and individual attention to each student.

In addition, staff members will have fewer course preparations, and increased opportunities for lesson planning and collaboration through professional learning communities.

As part of the implementation process, Dr. Metzler has established a Superintendent’s Block Schedule Implementation Advisory Committee.  The committee will make recommendations directly to the Superintendent regarding the implementation of block scheduling and work to ensure a seamless transition for the 2017-2018 school year.  Recommendations shall address professional development for staff and include a comprehensive communication plan for parents, students and staff.

The committee will be comprised of administrators and teachers and will be co-chaired by Middle School Assistant Principal Michael Flynn and High School Assistant Principal Brian O’Connell.

Block Scheduling will support our mission to improve student achievement as well as align with the district’s commitment to increase rigor, accountability, evaluation, and support.”

October 27, 2016

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