SAU 55 Prevails In Right-To-Know Motion for Reconsideration and the Redaction of Minutes

November 30, 2016

In a court order received just today, Rockingham Superior Court Justice David Anderson has rendered a decision on the motion for reconsideration regarding the matter of David K. Taylor v. School Administrative Unit 55. This case involved claims the SAU Board violated RSA 91-A in connection with the sealing of nonpublic minutes, as well as claims that the Superintendent’s Office also violated the statute in regards to the electronic access of said meeting minutes and other items, the redaction of said minutes, and the associated costs for providing copies of items requested via the Right-to-Know process.

Justice Anderson has denied the motion for reconsideration based on reasons stated in the court’s original order of October 24, 2016.  Additionally, the court has concluded the redacted sentence in the May 12, 2016 nonpublic SAU Board minutes is consistent with the provisions of RSA 91-A:5, IV, noting the privacy interest of certain employees outweighs the public.

The SAU Board is appreciative of the court’s ruling on the matter and once again asserts that the office procedure on fulfilling Right-to-Know requests is not only in full compliance with state statute, but also affords members of the public an equitable process for the delivery of requested information.

Jason Cipriano, Chair
Dr. Earl Metzler, Superintendent
School Administrative Unit No. 55
November 30, 2016

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