Timberlane Re-Institutes Athletic Hall of Fame

November 10, 2016

As a component of one of the Superintendent’s goals for 2016-17 in relation to improving the climate and culture of the district, the Timberlane Athletic Department is proud to announce the re-institution of the Athletic Hall of Fame Program.

The purpose of the Athletic Hall of Fame Program is to recognize and honor those Timberlane High School athletes, coaches, administrators and contributors who excelled in their respective sports or coaching/support roles and who helped to bring honor, recognition, distinction and excellence to Timberlane High School by their conduct both on and off the field (or court) of competition. We believe this recognition will foster a spirit of pride and sense of community as well as serve as a historical account of the athletic traditions of Timberlane Regional High School.

The Hall of Fame Board will begin accepting nominations for induction immediately and expect to begin the process for review in early spring 2017. The criteria for nomination as well as the process overview and all associated forms are available on the Athletic Department’s website at www.timberlane.net/athletics.

“We are so very pleased to offer a renewed process and opportunity for select nominees to boast their impressive athletic accomplishments as well as share in these triumphs along with the Timberlane community. Team pride, sportsmanship, and student successes are important elements in fostering a positive school climate. We are thankful for the ongoing support we receive from our students, coaches, parents, community members, administrators and the school board.”

Angelo Fantasia
Athletic Director

November 9, 2016

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