Timberlane Math Team Earns 3rd Place at Tri-State Math League Competition

May 15, 2019

Congratulations to Timberlane’s Math Team who earned third place in this year’s Tri-State Math League competition!  Each month from October to April, the team participated in a competition with thirteen other schools involving math topics ranging from arithmetic to Pre-Calculus questions.  Each Wednesday, the team practiced with advisors, Lee Daneau and Lorainne Mascioli, to get ready for the next meet.  It was obvious from the start the team was dedicated to practice and to prepare for each meet as well as helping and encouraging each other every week.  The team members’ enthusiasm and drive to persevere in their problem solving challenges was inspiring and contagious to each other and only grew stronger after each strong showing at each meet.  The dedicated regular team members participating each month are seniors Dan Lewis, Chris Longchamp, Connor Newman, Cooper Orio and newcomer Davis Moore; juniors Jacob Adams, Bridget Buckley, Pat Healey, Nick Longchamp, and sophomores Elizabeth Amorelli and Olivia Osterman.

All students were strong scoring members for the team.  Not only was Dan Lewis the highest scoring member for team Timberlane, Dan earned the honor of being the second highest scoring senior of all competing seniors in the entire Tri-State League! Dan will receive a scholarship from the Tri-State Math League in May for this tremendous accomplishment!  Also showing promising results in the entire league among juniors were team members Jacob Adams earning seventh highest scoring junior overall and Nick Longchamp not too far behind in thirteenth place!  With these returning junior members and the rest of the underclassmen on the team, Timberlane is well positioned to give Portsmouth and Pinkerton a run for their first and second place finishes next year.  Congratulations to all on a job well done!!!


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