District Closure Extended Per Order of the Governor

March 26, 2020

Dear Timberlane families and staff members,

This letter is to inform you, per Governor Sununu’s decision this afternoon for continued remote learning and for New Hampshire to be in a stay at home status, district buildings will remain closed through May 1, 2020. Remote instruction will continue to serve as the method of instructional offering for Timberlane students. April vacation, (April 27-May 1), will remain a week off with no remote learning taking place that week.

We realize that in-person classroom instruction is best for our students; however, until such time as we can have reasonable assurances that students and staff members may assemble without the risk of COVID-19 exposure, we will continue to follow the state’s recommendations and take whatever safety precautions are necessary.

We are thankful for the technological advantages that our generation can access, as they have allowed our schools to provide a high level of remote instruction. On that note, I would be remiss to not mention the contributions of our highly talented technology staff who have been an outstanding resource to the remote instruction mission by providing timely response and support to the hundreds of educators in our district.

I want to personally encourage our staff members and families, once again, to stay the course and dedicate whatever means you can towards the continuous improvement of our instructional services whether it be on the delivery or receiving end. Our dedicated staff is happy to provide strategies to optimize the learning experience at home; feel free to reach out to your building principal or classroom teachers for ideas.

In closing we want to remind our school community to practice safe and healthy social behaviors to reduce the chance of exposure and spread of the COVID-19 virus:

• Practice social distancing and stay away from anyone who is sick.

• Take extra measures to put distance between yourself and other people to further reduce your risk of being exposed to this new virus.

• Stay home as much as possible.

• Consider ways of getting food brought to your house through family, social, or commercial networks. Sincerely,

Dr. Earl Metzler, Superintendent of Schools

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Starts: 5:00 pm
Location: 30 Greenough Rd, Plaistow, NH 03865, USA
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Location: 30 Greenough Rd, Plaistow, NH 03865, USA
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Starts: 5:00 pm
Location: 30 Greenough Rd, Plaistow, NH 03865, USA