School Board to Meet Via Videoconferencing
Until such time as noticed, the Timberlane Regional School Board, in compliance with state provisions associated with COVID-19 precautionary measures, will conduct their official school board meetings by way of video conferencing.
Public access to the meetings will be by audio only with full video and audio recordings of the video-conference posted to the district website at a later date. Meeting agendas will include toll-free call-in numbers for members of the public to dial in and listen to the meetings in real time. The agenda will also include a tech support number should members of the public need assistance accessing the audio of the meeting.
Call-in Instructions: When dialing in, members of the public will be prompted to provide a meeting ID number (posted on each agenda). When asked for a participation number the caller should dial #. (Note: the participation option has been disabled consistent with state provisions for board videoconferencing.)
The next meeting of the Board will be held on March 31, 2020 at 7pm. See the Board’s web page for more information.
The Board appreciates your understanding and support.
Shawn O’Neil
TRSB Chairman