School Closure Extended by Order of Governor

March 15, 2020

With increased efforts to mitigate the spread rate of COVID-19, Governor Sununu has closed all schools effective March 16, 2020 until at least April 3, 2020, at which time state officials will assess the situation to determine when schools may re-open.  Schools have been given one week to prepare and implement remote instruction opportunities for students.  We have designated Monday and Tuesday of this week as district wide preparation days. Schools will begin remote instruction by 9am on Wednesday, March 18th.   More information about access as well as expectations will be forthcoming from individual schools.  In the meantime, we ask for your patience and understanding as we bring remote instruction on line.

All school buildings, including the central office will remain closed during this three-week period.  We will take this opportunity for buildings to undergo an intense sanitation and disinfecting (deep cleaning) process.

Food Service Operations will also be closed during the period of Remote Learning.  While this may place a stress on our Free & Reduced population, the following resources are available:

St. Anne Ecumenical Food Pantry

26 Emerson Ave.

PO Box 339

Hampstead, NH  03841

St. Anne Food Pantry will be running a modified program during our period of Remote Learning.  They will provide bagged breakfast and lunch to anyone under 18 living in any of our District towns, in a drive-thru format from 10am-noon Monday through Friday behind St. Anne Church, 26 Emerson Ave., Hampstead, NH.  No proof of need is required.  For families seeking to make a donation, the Food Pantry has indicated financial donations would be most helpful and can be directed to the parish office at the above address. More information on their general program can be found here:

Sandown Food Pantry

1 Hampstead Road

Sandown, NH 03873

Arlene Bassett 603-887-3453

Tuesdays 4pm – 5pm, Fridays 9am – 10am


A number of other food banks, food pantries, and related resources can be found here:

Despite the challenges ahead, we have every confidence that the teaching and learning will continue in our communities.


Dr. Earl Metzler,

Superintendent of Schools

Upcoming Events

Events on April 3, 2025
Policy Committee Meeting
Starts: 5:00 pm
Location: 30 Greenough Rd, Plaistow, NH 03865, USA
Events on May 1, 2025
Policy Committee Meeting
Starts: 5:00 pm
Location: 30 Greenough Rd, Plaistow, NH 03865, USA
Events on June 5, 2025
Policy Committee Meeting
Starts: 5:00 pm
Location: 30 Greenough Rd, Plaistow, NH 03865, USA