TRSD Nurses Communication – Nov, 20th

November 20, 2020

Hello Timberlane School Community,

The Timberlane District School Nurses would like to take this opportunity to thank our families and staff for being diligent in adhering to the District COVID-19 guidelines.  We appreciate families and staff who have approached the school nurses regarding their health needs and concerns.  We understand the uncertainty and challenges that are facing many families during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

We would like to notify you of a few recent changes that have occurred with the State of New Hampshire Division of Public Health Services COVID-19 guidance.  The Timberlane Regional School District intends to update their practices as related to the recent changes.

Travel and Quarantine Guidance:

NH DPHS continues to recommend against any non-essential personal or business travel, and recommends people should avoid gathering with others who are not part of a person’s immediate household, even during the holidays. 

People traveling outside of the Six New England States (NH, ME, VT, MA, CT, RI) will need to quarantine in one of two manners before returning to school:

1.Self quarantine for 14 days from their last day of travel outside New England (unchanged from previous guidelines)

  1. Self quarantine for 7 days from their last day of travel outside of New England IF and ONLY IF, ALL of the following apply (new guidelines):
  • the person gets a molecular-based test or PCR test (an antigen is not acceptable) on day 7 (or later) of their quarantine.  A rapid result test will not be accepted by the District as related to travel quarantine.
  • the person tests negative
  • the person remains asymptomatic. 

Please note: This 7-day “test out” of travel quarantine option applies ONLY to travel-related quarantine and NOT quarantine due to other types of exposure. 

* * If you plan to travel with your family, please notify the school nurse.They can assist you with the travel and quarantine guidance. **

Contact Tracing Updates:

Due to the rapid pandemic surge and widespread community transmission, containment is no longer possible; it will take strict adherence to the community mitigation interventions (i.e., avoiding social gatherings, physical distancing, cloth face mask use, etc.) to reduce community transmission.  

NH DPHS will no longer investigate each person diagnosed with COVID-19 and instead will prioritize contact tracing for those who have an increased potential to transmit infection in certain settings or those who are highly impacted by COVID-19.  NH DPHS will investigate a person or situations that fall into certain categories including but not limited to people 18 years of age or younger, persons associated with schools, and known clusters or outbreaks. (For a complete list, please visit NH DPHS website)

* * If your child or family member has a positive COVID-19 test, has close contact with a person suspected of or is COVID-19 positive or you have any questions, please notify your school nurse. They can help guide you and obtain resources that can be helpful for families. **

A reminder to any person diagnosed with COVID-19 should adhere to the following NH DPHS guidance:  

  1. Isolate (stay home) for at least 10 days from the start of  symptoms (or 10 days from the positive test date if they are and remain asymptomatic). See NH DPHS Isolation Guide for more information.
  2. Notify close contacts (including immediate household and other non-household contacts) of potential exposure . See NH DPHS Quarantine Guide for more information.

We highly suggest if your child is symptomatic to please stay home from school and contact your healthcare provider for further information.  Please continue to monitor symptoms by utilizing the Timberlane Daily Home Screening Tool If your child is absent we ask that you contact your school AND fill out the Timberlane Student and Staff Absentee report for School Nurses

In closing, please know that we are thinking of all our students and families.  We are committed to caring for the Timberlane community. District nurses are available via email or office phone.  Contact information is located at  TRSD Health Services  We thank you for continuing to follow the guidance and helping to keep our school community healthy for all.  


TRSD School Nurses

Additional resources for Families:

CDC Quarantine Information

CDC Isolation Information

NH COVID-19 Dashboard

Timberlane Evaluating Sick Students and Staff

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