***REMINDER*** ESSER III Funds Survey. Deadline: Friday 8/20 9:00pm

August 19, 2021

Good Afternoon TRSD Community,

As a reminder please fill out the ESSER III funds survey (link to survey below).

The deadline to complete the survey is this FRIDAY, AUGUST 20th at 9:00pm.

In March 2021, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its potential impact on student learning, the American Rescue Plan (ARP) act was signed into law, thereby dedicating funds for K-12 schools through Elementary and Secondary School Education Relief (ESSER) III funds.

The purpose of these ESSER III funds is to help sustain the safe and effective operations of our schools and to address the impact of the COVID19 pandemic on student learning. These funds are designated for one-time or short-term expenditures. Additionally, no less than 20% of the funds received must be used to address the impact of lost instructional time (learning loss).

The American Rescue Plan provides the allowable activities for which a district can use their one-time funds. These include:

*Prevention and Mitigation Strategies in Response to COVID-19 (Cleaning and sanitation supplies or equipment, PPE, training)

*Addressing the impact of lost instructional time through the implementation of evidence-based interventions (summer learning or summer enrichment, extended day, comprehensive after school programs, or extended school year)

* Technology (educational equipment, hardware, software, connection devices, cybersecurity infrastructure)

*Addressing mental health needs (evidence-based mental health and wellness programs for students and staff, trauma informed trainings)

*Repairing and improving school facilities and indoor air quality (school heating, cooling and ventilation systems)

The Timberlane Regional School District values the input of our parents, students, staff, and community members. We invite you to weigh in on how the district should prioritize the expenditure of our ESSER III funds.

Please take a moment to complete the brief survey below. Your input is extremely valuable. Thank you for your participation.

Link to Survey:


Timberlane Regional School District

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