DAILY BULLETIN: Tuesday (3/4)
March 5, 2014
- There is a Math Honor Society meeting this Wednesday after school in room 204. Please see Mrs Mascioli or Mrs. Daneau if you can not attend. Please wear your Math Honor Society shirt to the meeting.
- ATTENTION JUNIORS and SENIORS: The final Big Buddy list is up on room 213 door. Please ask Lauren Strainge or Mrs Libby with any questions
- ATTENTION FRESHMEN EXEC MEMBERS: There will be a meeting Wed March 5th in room 214 right after school. Please be there for year book photo.
- ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS: The March 11th driver’s ed class has a few openings. Please sign up in the Assistant Principals’ Office.
- Hawaii group meeting Thursday at 2:10 in room 210. We have a guest speaker this week.