Potential Storm and Exams

January 17, 2017

In preparation of the predicted storm slated to begin this evening into tomorrow morning, we are anticipating a potential for changes to the midterm and final exam schedule.  There are two possibilities should the storm impact our regular school day:

  • a 2 hour delay or

  • a full day snow day.

2 Hour Delay

In the event there is a 2 hour delay on Wednesday, the last two exams will be divided over two days.

  • On Wednesday, students will take their period 4 exam only from 9:20-10: 55 AM with buses departing at 11:10 AM.  Teachers will be available all day if students would like to stay to prepare for their last exam.

  • On Thursday, students will take their last exam (period 8 exam) from 7:20-9:00 AM. After that exam, students will go directly to homeroom to receive their second semester schedule. The students will then follow a shortened day schedule.

Snow Day

In the event there is a full day snow day, both exams will be administered on Thursday with period 4 exams scheduled for 7:20-9:00 AM and period 8 exams scheduled for 9:15-10:55 AM. The buses would depart on Thursday at 11:10 AM.

We will do our best in keeping you informed and will let you know of any school delay or closing as soon as we can. Thank you for understanding and please help us in preparing your student for the exams by making sure they are well-rested.