SAT Prep Courses to begin January 12th through Evening Division

December 17, 2015

To help Juniors prepare for the upcoming March 2nd SAT test, we are offering two SAT Prep courses through our Evening Division. SAT English will meet from 5 – 6:30 PM and SAT Math will follow from 6:30 – 8 PM. The courses will be held on Tuesday evening and will begin January 12th and finish on March 1st. The courses are non-credit and are free. Students should complete the registration form and submit it to their guidance counselor. Class size is limited and will be filled on a first come, first serve basis.

SAT Prep Registration 2015 16 Form

For additional resources to help prepare for the SAT and other college entrance exams visit our Guidance webpage:

TRHS Guidance SAT-ACT-PSAT Test Information