Call to Duty! Donations are needed!

November 1, 2016

The after school club called “Call to Duty” is collecting used or new video games. They will be sent to soldiers overseas. The collection time is Monday Oct 24th-Friday Nov 4th..  

–Collection boxes are in the front office, the library and Mr. Flynn’s office.  All students/staff donating get a lollipop. 

–Please keep track of how many video games your advisory donates 

–Students who cant donate a video game can write a letter to a soldier.  They can put it in the collection box and also receive a lollipop 


1st place– the advisory that collects the most video games wins a pizza party 

(or ice cream if they want)

2nd place–receives an ice cream party

3rd–a Popsicle party

Our own student Cam DiMarco started this club which is a

non-profit organization.

Thanks so much helping!!!