Daily Bulletin: Friday, 10/21

October 21, 2016

Cross country is cancelled today. State meet runners please be at the school tomorrow morning at 9:15 am. The bus will leave for Londonderry at 9:30 am.

Attention Skiers and riders, Registration for the TRMS Ski club will begin on November 1st.  Pick up a flyer with the registration information in the front office or with Mrs. Hampe in room 1301

6th grade lunch bunch sign-ups are here! If you are interested in joining a lunch group with Mrs. Huyler, please see your ELA teacher for a sign-up sheet. They are bright orange or green and hard to miss! Return your completed form to the School Counseling Office by next Friday so groups can start soon!

If you want to form a group of up to 5 students on your team, I only need ONE COPY of the form with everyone’s names on it.

See Mrs. Huyler with any questions.

10-25- 10-26     Musical Tryouts at the PAC from 2:30-5:00 (Peter Pan)

10-26 Signups for the Sandown Ski Club. 6-9 PM @ Sandown Town Hall

10/27 spooky concert 7:45 am PAC

10-28 6th Grade Halloween Party 6-7:30 PM $5. Admission

10-29 Greener cleaner Timberlane 8 AM – 11 AM

11-2   PTSA Meeting TRMS Café 6:30 PM

11-5   Ski and Snow board swap 8-12 at TRMS

11-7 Early Release Day 12 noon (no lunches served)

11-7 Student Lead Conferences

11-8 No School Presidential Election

11-11 No School Veterans Day

11-14 TPAF (Timberlane Parent Advisory Forum) 6-8 pm SAU

11-17 Parent Teachers conferences

11-23-11-25 No School Thanksgiving Break