Daily Bulletin: Monday, 11/14

November 14, 2016

Registration for the TRMS Ski Club closes tomorrow and there are only 3 spots left.  Get registered before it’s too late. If you are already a member your bus money is due by Friday, November 18thThis Friday.


Did you know that the school earns 10 cents for every box top collected?  This Friday, November 18th is the first collection date this year.  Hand in your box tops to your homeroom teacher.  There will be rewards for each student who collects 25,   50,   or 100 or more box tops for each collection date.  Our first reward goes to Brady Tesoro in 7th Grade who collected 155 box tops.  Brady, come to Mrs. Hampe’s room for your reward.


All cookie order forms and payments are due back today. All proceeds go back to the teams.  The team with the most sales will win an ice cream party.


Any students who are interested in joining the wrestling team, there will be a meeting on Wednesday, November 16th.  The meeting will be held in the café during advisory.  Please check in with your advisory teachers first before coming down to the meeting.  If you have any questions please see Mr. Champion.


Attention 8th Grade Girls:  Please consider registering for the ‘STEMspiration’ Event on Friday, November 18th. This event will allow you to meet and speak with Women in various STEM careers.  The goal of this opportunity is to inspire you to plan and pursue the strong STEM courses/clubs we offer and to open your mind to the many STEM careers a strong STEM education can afford you.  Please see Mrs. Froment or the school website for additional information.


Track training club with Mrs. McGuirk and Mr. Sgroi will be Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Limit 20 people.


CHILL Club will remain on Thursdays and will not be moved to Tuesdays as announced last week.