Daily Bulletin: Monday, June 5th

June 5, 2017

8th grade Field Hockey  players thinking of playing field hockey next year, please come to the meeting with Coach Ryan tomorrow, in the middle school girls locker room during advisory. Please check in with your advisor first! 

Timberlane Athletic department Summer camps have been posted! Additional information is on line and in the front office.  

Congratulations on a great track season! Everyone did great at Tri County. Icecream party is tomorrow from 2:30- 4:00 PM   If you havn’t turned in your $5 for the party, please bring it to coach Wallack’s room # 1401.  Also, please turn in your uniform at the icecream party. 

       All 8th grade boys interested in playing soccer next year, meet in the café annex during advisory tomorrow  .  Coach Mencis will be there to answer questions and provide information.  Please check in with your advisor first! 

Intramurals will be held Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week. You can come any day you wish. You must have sneakers and be ready to play at 2:30.  Tuesday is Volleyball, Wednesday is indoor soccer and Thursday is basketball

For a Genius project, 2 eighth grade students will be collecting clothes for a non-profit organization called NuDay Syria. They are in need of clothes in all sizes that are clean and in good condition.  The boxes for this collection will be in front of the school store from Tuesday through Friday of this week. So clean out your closets and help someone in need. Thank you 



6/7       6th gade distance learning to incoming 6th graders

6/8   Gr. 8 Team Synergy:  field trip – Mount Major

6/13 Grade 8 Class Trip to Cederland in Bradford 9am-2 PM

6/13   Move up day for incoming 6th graders

6/14   Welcome Wagon tours at Timberlane High School 6-8 PM for 8th graders

6/16   Gr. 6 Champions field trip to the Sandlot

6/19     Gr. 6 Journey and Discovery field trip to the Sandlot

6/19     Gr. 7 Eagles and Falcons Field Day (Pope Field) rain date 6/20

6/19     Gr. 8 Team Alliance field trip- Franconia Notch  8:30-4:30 Approx.

                Quarter 4 grades close

6/20     Gr 7. Hawkes Field Day (Pope Field)

6/20     Gr. 6 Astros field trip to the Sandlot


The Assemblies will be consecutive presentations. Parents are invited to the team celebrations they will last for approximately 45 minutes.

                                8:15 – 9:00    Innovators

                                9:15 – 10:00 Synergy

                                10:15 – 11:00 Alliance

6/20 Grade 8 Celebration Dance 6:00-8:00 Café

6/21 Last day of school 11 am Dismissal  ***