Daily Bulletin: Tuesday, 4/21

April 22, 2015

Word of the week: Persevere

This week we are celebrating wellness week. This year’s theme is Being Healthy in Body and Mind.

Every day will be associated with a different color.

Today’s color is : Green

Tomorrow’s is: Red

Thursday: yellow

The “bead patrol” will distribute beads to STUDENTS who are caught wearing the color of the day.

Friday is the last day to purchase raffle tickets for the two wonderful reading baskets in the front office. Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5.

This is a last call for yearbook photos and surveys.. The last day to get anything into the yearbook is next Thursday April 23

The video advisory is planning a new project. This time we are doing a talent show for pets. If you have a pet with a special trick or talent, you can borrow a flip camera from the library and make a video to share with the school. See Ms. W in the library for details or to check out a video camera.

Today’s Clubs

Sewing Club