Daily Bulletin: Wednesday, 5/10

May 10, 2017

**** Tutoring club is cancelled for the rest of the year****

Wishing our great staff a very happy Staff appreciation week…  

Track: Practice 2:30 – 4:00 PM

Boys A Baseball: Away Game against Elm St Middle School at 3:30 PM

Boy’s B Baseball: Away game against Londonderry at 4:00 PM

A Softball:   Away Game against Elm St Middle School at 3:30 PM

B Softball:   Away game against Londonderry at 4:00 PM


Due to the upcoming track meets for the Month of May, we are having practice five days a week for all events. If you ar on the track team, please plan on attending all five days from now on. 

The Last Box tops collection date will be later this week. (This is the last collection of the year)

Sports photos are Thursday May 11th after school.  Picture forms are in the front office. This is a game day, so pictures will be quick.


Today’s Clubs

Makers Club

My sister’s closet is open today


5/8-5/12 Staff Appreciation Week

5/11 Sports Photos after school. Picture forms are in the front office

May 15th to May 19th TRMS Book fair Open: 8:00 to 3:00

5/17 Band Concert  grades 6-8 7PM @ PAC

5/19-5/20 French Students Trip to Montreal

5/23 Guitar and Rock Ensemble Concert Grades 6-12  7 PM

5/24 Spring parent night for parents of incoming 6th grade students 6-7:30 PM TRMS GYM

5/25  Chorus concert 7-9:30 PM @ PAC

5/26 Early Release 12:00

5/29 Memorial Day no school

5/31 Financial Literacy fair:  Team Alliance

5/31   Gr. 7 Class field trip to the Rock Shore  (Rain date 6/1)

6/2    Gr. 8 Team Innovators: field trip – Seacoast Science Center

6/8   Gr. 8 Team Synergy:  field trip – Mount Major

6/13 Grade 8 Class Trip to Cederland in Bradford 9am-2 PM

6/13   Move up day for incoming 6th graders

6/14   Welcome Wagon tours at Timberlane High School 6-8 PM for 8th graders

6/16   Gr. 6 Champions field trip to the Sandlot

6/19     Gr. 6 Journey and Discovery field trip to the Sandlot

6/19     Gr. 7 Eagles and Falcons Field Day (Pope Field) rain date 6/20

6/19     Gr. 8 Team Alliance field trip- Franconia Notch  8:30-4:30 Approx.

6/20     Gr 7. Hawkes Field Day (Pope Field)

6/20     Gr. 6 Astros field trip to the Sandlot


The Assemblies will be consecutive presentations. Parents are invited to the team celebrations they will last for approximately 45 minutes.

                                8:15 – 9:00    Innovators

                                9:15 – 10:00 Synergy

                                10:15 – 11:00 Alliance

6/20 Grade 8 Celebration Dance 6:00-8:00 Café

6/21 Last day of school 11 am Dismissal  ***