The Latest TRSD News

TRSB Agenda 09/03/20

August 27, 2020

TRSB Agenda 09 03 20 (003)

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Sports Registration is Now CLOSED

August 26, 2020

Fall sports registration is now closed. If you are looking to register your child, please…

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1st Day of School

August 25, 2020

The first day of school for the 20-21 school year will be Tuesday, September 8th

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Updated TRSB Agenda 8/20/20

August 19, 2020

Update TRSB Agenda 08 20 20

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TRSB Agenda 8/20/20

August 19, 2020

TRSB Agenda 08 20 20

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Notice of Board Meetings

August 12, 2020

Meetings Notice 08 12 20

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TRSB Agenda 8/13/20

August 12, 2020

TRSB Agenda 08 13 20  

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School Board Public Forum Agenda

August 10, 2020

Agenda 08 11 20

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TRSB Agenda 8/6/20

August 4, 2020

TRSB Agenda 080620

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Energy Committee Agenda 7/28/20

July 24, 2020

Energy Committee Agenda 07 28 2020

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