Welcome to Timberlane Regional Middle School
Respect, Responsibility, and Right Choices
The Mission of the Timberlane Regional School District is to engage all students in challenging and relevant learning opportunities, emphasizing high aspirations and personal growth.
Welcome to Timberlane Regional Middle School
Providing a Challenging, Integrated, Standards-Base Curriculum
The Mission of the Timberlane Regional School District is to engage all students in challenging and relevant learning opportunities, emphasizing high aspirations and personal growth.
The Latest News at TRMS
Daily Bulletin: Wednesday, 2/1/17
Makers club is cancelled today! Boys B basketball: please bring your uniforms to the Cafeteria after announcemnements “Students, interested in being a part of The Morning Show crew? We…
Daily Bulletin: Tuesday, 1/31/17
Applications for the TRMS news club are in the front office, please come to the front office and sign up See Flyers attached for the Danville youth baseball and softball…
Daily Bulletin: Thursday, 1/26
Ski Club medical forms were due yesterday, please see Mrs. Hampe There will be no more Drawing club with Mrs. Desmond on Wednesdays. Sports photos are today, afterschool, if…