Welcome to Timberlane Regional Middle School
Respect, Responsibility, and Right Choices
The Mission of the Timberlane Regional School District is to engage all students in challenging and relevant learning opportunities, emphasizing high aspirations and personal growth.
Welcome to Timberlane Regional Middle School
Providing a Challenging, Integrated, Standards-Base Curriculum
The Mission of the Timberlane Regional School District is to engage all students in challenging and relevant learning opportunities, emphasizing high aspirations and personal growth.
The Latest News at TRMS
Smarter Balanced Parent Night
Click on the link below for information regarding Smarter balanced parent night: Smarter Balance Press Release
Daily Bulletin: Friday, 11/6
Word of the week: Generate Middle School Ski club is filling up fast! If you want to spend some Friday nights skiing or boarding with friends, sign up soon! Information…
Daily Bulletin: Thursday, 11/5
Word of the week: Generate ***** Knitting, Duct Tape and Sister power have been cancelled today***** Today’s clubs are: Chill Computer Duct Tape Sister Power Video Production *** Veterans…