Welcome to Timberlane Regional Middle School
Respect, Responsibility, and Right Choices

The Mission of the Timberlane Regional School District is to engage all students in challenging and relevant learning opportunities, emphasizing high aspirations and personal growth.
Welcome to Timberlane Regional Middle School
Providing a Challenging, Integrated, Standards-Base Curriculum

The Mission of the Timberlane Regional School District is to engage all students in challenging and relevant learning opportunities, emphasizing high aspirations and personal growth.
The Latest News at TRMS
Weekly Bulletin: 12/14-12/18
**Boys and Girls Basketball Tryouts are cancelled for today and tomorrow. An updated schedule will be sent home to parents. **Cheer Tryouts – 1/11/21 **Holiday break – 12/23-1/1
TRMS Going Fully Remote Dec 14th through Dec 16th
Please see the attached letter with details about the Middle School going fully remote starting tomorrow, Monday Dec 14th, and continuing fully remote through this Wednesday Dec 16th. TRMS letter 12-13-2020
Budget Comm Agenda 12/10/20
Budget Comm Agenda 2020-12-10