Due to issue with the phone company the main phone number for TLC at Sandown Central has been changed to 603-378-5317.
The Latest News at TLC at Sandown Central
SC Grandparent Day 2019
On Thursday, February 7th we would like to invite our Sandown Central student’s grandparents to our “Grandparents Day” here at Sandown Central. The grandparent and/or special guest are invited to…
SC Polar Express
POLAR EXPRESS ½ Hour Increments for each Session 12/11 TEACHER 12/12 TEACHER 9:00 Amanda Hackney Amanda DeCew 9:30 Julie Doiron Julie Doiron 10:00…
SC Picture Retake Days
Sandown Central will have our Picture Retake Days on Monday, 11/27 and Tuesday,11/28.

The Mission of the Timberlane Regional School District is to engage all students in challenging and relevant learning opportunities, emphasizing high aspirations and personal growth.